Malaysia to speed up implementation of measures to achieve SDG 2030 goals

KUALA LUMPUR: Malaysia will accelerate the implementation of measures to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals 2030 (SDG 2030) within the remaining six years, Deputy Economy Minister, Datuk Hanifah Hajar Taib said, while calling on all stakeholders to continue collaborating with each other. “In reality, no government can do this alone. It can only be made possible […]
Malaysia has outpaced global average in sustainable development goals’ progress — PM

KUALA LUMPUR (Aug 17): Malaysia is making significant strides in achieving Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), having accomplished 43% of its targets, well above the global average of 17%, said Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim. In his officiating remarks at the Malaysia SDG Summit 2024 on Tuesday, Anwar said that achieving the SDGs requires a […]
Malaysia achieves 43 pct SDG performance, surpassing 17 pct global average

KUALA LUMPUR: Malaysia has achieved 43 per cent of the 248 current indicators for the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG), compared to the global average of only 17 per cent. Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim said based on the analysis, Malaysia is in a good position, although he cautioned against relying solely on these metrics. […]
可持续发展目标 大马达成43%

(吉隆坡17日讯)首相拿督斯里安华指出,大马可持续发展目标(SDG)的表现处于良好水平,在为数248项的最新指标中,大马达成43%,远超全球平均水平的17%。 他指出,这表现彰显大马通过改革,成功应对所面对的挑战,但这并非永久性的保证。 “在讨论时,我表明不要这样衡量。这一成就只提供一个小小的信号。但我们应该问,昌明经济和SDG目标的实现,是否对国家和人类有必要? “如果答案是肯定的,那么我们应该加紧努力,以取得最佳表现。对我来说,这才是我们的标准。” 安华今日为2024大马永续发展峰会主持开幕时,如是指出。 他说,有鉴于此,大马将以最佳方式兑现SDG的诺言。 “我们应尽最大努力,确保我们以最卓越的方式实现这些目标,因为这正是昌明大马理念的体现。” 安华也指出,昌明政府致力解决有关价值观、人道主义和恻隐之心的议题,这超越当前SDG着重在经济、社会和环境的主要支柱。 “令我震惊的是,尽管我们在科技、知识和理解方面已取得高度发展,但仍有领导人否认气候变化带来的影响。 “这提醒我国在某些领域和途径中,仍有改善空间。 “经济、发展和永续并无意义,除非我们对善行、人道、正义和安全有一定理解,其中包括环境和气候,它们的一部分可由我们决定,至于另一部分得接受自然法则的事实。” 他也补充,除了强调SDG框架外,国家也需具备配合现时诉求,进行变革的精神。 出席者包括卫生部副部长拿督鲁卡尼斯曼、经济部副部长拿督哈妮法泰益、秘书长拿督诺阿兹米和国家总审计司拿督旺苏拉雅。 Source: China Press
Malaysia above global average on UN SDGs, says Anwar Ibrahim

KUALA LUMPUR: Malaysia has excelled beyond the global average in terms of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), achieving 43% compared to the global average rate of 17%, says Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim. The Prime Minister said although he was grateful for such achievements, there is still space for the country to improve its performance in […]
Concrete action needed in every parliamentary constituency to achieve SDG goals — Nurul Izzah

KUALA LUMPUR (Sept 17): In the effort to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), concrete measures must be implemented in every area, including parliamentary constituencies, said Social and Economic Research Initiative (Seri) chairman Nurul Izzah Anwar. She emphasised that uncontrolled development and extreme climate changes require serious attention. “When development occurs without proper climate adaptation mechanisms, […]
Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim berucap pada Sidang Kemuncak SDG Malaysia 2024 hari ini.

KUALA LUMPUR: Malaysia berjaya mencapai sekitar 43 peratus berdasarkan 248 indikator Matlamat Pembangunan Mampan (SDG), mendahului pencapaian dunia pada 17 peratus setakat ini. Perdana Menteri, Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim bagaimanapun berkata, negara perlu terus meningkatkan lagi keupayaan untuk mencapai prestasi lebih baik. “Bagi saya (pencapaian SDG) itu sebagai penanda aras kita walaupun kita bangga dengan pencapaian […]
Malaysia achieves 43 pct of SDG indicators, far beyond world average — PM

KUALA LUMPUR, Sept 17 — Malaysia has achieved 43 per cent of all 248 indicators of the latest Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), far above the world average of 17 per cent, said Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim. He said the performance is a sign that Malaysia has successfully faced the challenges through reforms, but […]
Malaysia’s economic growth sparks review of 2030 SDG progress – Hanifah

KUALA LUMPUR: With Malaysia’s economy on the rise, it is an opportune moment to review progress towards the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, Deputy Economy Minister Datuk Hanifah Hajar Taib said. Speaking at the Malaysia Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) Summit 2024, she noted that the country’s climate targets had been significantly impacted by the COVID-19 […]
Anwar ulangi komitmen Malaysia jayakan Agenda 2030 untuk pembangunan mampan

Kuala Lumpur: Perdana Menteri Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim hari ini mengulangi komitmen Malaysia dalam menjayakan Agenda 2030 untuk pembangunan mampan seperti yang dimeterai bersama 192 negara lain pada 2015. Beliau berkata, walaupun Malaysia mencatat prestasi baik dalam petunjuk Matlamat Pembangunan Mampan (SDG) terkini dengan mencatat 43 peratus berbanding purata dunia sekitar 17 peratus, pencapaian itu […]